8. Holy Week: Some Practical Advice

Let’s take a break from traveling. If I tell you all my stories at once we’ll run out before long, and after all the title of this Blog promises not only Travels but also “a lot more”. During Holy Week we will hear again the greatest of all stories, the Story that fulfills the ancient myths, […]

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7. My Travels: 2002 Part 4 – Saint Nektarios

The Life of Saint Nektarios (before and after he died) After Bishop Nektarios died, his sweater was inadvertently laid on the bed of the man in the infirmary next to him. The man who had been crippled for years immediately stood up and began to walk, and a sweet fragrance filled the room. This was […]

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6. My Travels: 2002 Part 3 – Mount Athos.

Daily (but it’s mostly nightly) Life on Mount Athos Why was I so impressed by how beautiful things were at night? Because on Athos one spends a lot of the night awake. My most distressing memory is of the Finnish guestmaster knocking on my door every morning at 3 a.m. saying, “Pater, Pater, the services […]

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5. My Travels: 2002 Part 2: Mount Athos

At Last: To the Holy Mountain! If you’d like to prepare a bit more before we leave for Mount Athos in the morning, here is the second part of the CBS  program on the Holy Mountain. On Wednesday morning, after a restless night’s sleep fearing I wouldn’t wake up at 4 a.m., it was off […]

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4. My Travels – 2002 Part 1: Towards Mount Athos

I know I promised you a visit to Mount Athos, but first… By 1999 our new Saint Nicholas Church was ten years old and doing well, and we could afford to travel again, and I don’t want you to think I always left my wife behind. Khouria * Dianna and I made trips to Greece in […]

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