345. Saint Phanourios the Newly-Revealed, and my Final Trip to Greece

At the upper right of these Posts, you’ll now see a new series of categories to help you search for older Posts by topic. (Thanks, Laurel!) You can still also locate them by date on the lower right. I am now   s l o w l y   getting previous Posts (all 344 of […]

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343. Why do we honor the Mother of God? Because the Bible says so! – Part Two

I’m taking a couple of weeks off. This Post and last week’s are reprints (with some revision) from August 2019 – as we prepare for the celebration of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15.   Last week we saw how often the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the New Testament, second only to […]

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342. Why do we honor the Mother of God? Because the Bible says so! – Part One

The feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ is August 6. There is much information online about it. For my “take” on the day, go to: https://frbillsorthodoxblog.com/2019/08/02/137-the-transfiguration-the-other-great-forgotten-feast/ _______________________________________- I am taking a short break from writing. This article and the next are reprints from August 2019, updated and corrected and improved (slightly). Introduction […]

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