108. Pre-Lent: Third Sunday – Fasting, The Last Judgment

MEATFARE SUNDAY It’s time to talk about Fasting. This coming Sunday is popularly called “Meatfare Sunday”, the last day for meat till Pascha. Beginning next Monday we get serious about fasting. Why does meat go off before Lent begins? Because the Orthodox Church leads us into all things gently. No instant salvation here. Likewise, there’s no […]

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107. The Church prepares us for Lent: First Sunday – the Publican and the Pharisee, Second Sunday – the Prodigal Son

“Oh, it’s Christmas Eve! I wonder – what presents should I give to everybody this year?” You know how well that would not work. It’s the same with Lent. That’s why the Church gives us the season of Pre-Lent – so we won’t get to Clean Monday (March 11 this year) and say “Already? What […]

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106. Abortion, Part Two

This time we’re going to look at 1 How the Orthodox Church deals with Abortions, 2 How should we try to apply Orthodox principles to Society? 3 Being consistently Pro-Life, 4 the Spirit of Judgment. How the Orthodox Church deals with Abortions As I understand it, from ancient times the Orthodox Church has handled sin pastorally, not juridically – less concerned with culpability […]

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104. The Return of Saint John Chrysostom

On January 27, 438, the incorrupt body of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom arrived in Constantinople – “translated” (moved) from Armenia where he had been banished and where he had died 31 years earlier. His relics were received with honor into the imperial city where once he had been Patriarch. The story of John Chrysostom […]

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