485. Patmos, Part Two: 1) The Revelation, 2) Saint Nektarios (on Patmos!), 3) An Appendix: True Religion

Understanding The Revelation (The Apocalypse) I came home from Patmos with a great tan which must have been a miracle, because my last Post implied that I spent my time there in church – yes? No. In the old days, I loved to go to a quiet beach and read. I found this little beach […]

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482. Why do we honor Mary? Because the Bible says so: Part Two

During August, we’re doing reruns of a few of the more popular Posts from years past – very slightly revised. Last week we saw how often the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the New Testament. Nobody except her Son comes close. Then… well, go back and read it for yourself. We stopped in the middle […]

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480. The Story of the Transfiguration (revised)

In case some of you long-time readers feel a sense of deja vu as you read this Post, you are to be congratulated for having a good memory. I promised to write on the Transfiguration, but this was one of the rare weeks when I just couldn’t come up with anything. So I searched back […]

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479. Oh, Saint Mary Magdalene, what have they done to you?

But first: I made a major error in last week’s Post about Christian Nationalism, for which please forgive me. I said the United States of America was founded not as a Christian nation but as a “secular” nation. I meant to say “non-sectarian”: with no established “sect” or religion. Secular means “having nothing to do […]

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476. Christian Nationalism, Part One

If you want to save yourself the bother of reading these two Posts – this is, after all, an American national holiday weekend, and even now I can smell the burgers and brats on the grill – here are my conclusions: Christian Patriotism: Christian Nationalism:   Now, for any who are still with us and […]

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