174. How to worship and pray at home: Let’s get focused

But first: Last week I wished that our Hierarchs would at least consider returning to the ancient practice of people receiving the Holy Bread and Holy Wine separately. Now I read that the usually very conservative Moscow Patriarchate has found a new approach. For the duration and where necessary, they are allowing the Eucharist to […]

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173. Coronavirus and the Orthodox Church

I’m interrupting the series on the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil to deal with this subject which, not surprisingly, many people are concerned about. So we will now talk about How to Pray if you’re stuck a home or if your parish church is closed, Holy Communion, Icons, Hugging and Kissing. What follows will not include medical advice. […]

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171. The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great – The Anaphora, Part One

Our series on the Divine Liturgy resumes. On Lenten Sundays we celebrate the Liturgy of Saint Basil, so I’ve been saving his Anaphora for now. As you’ll remember, “Anaphora” (αναφόρηση) means “offering” –  the final part of the Liturgy when we offer the Holy Gifts, the Bread and Wine. Basil here gave us the most succinct summary […]

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170. What does the Orthodox Church teach about the Afterlife? Part Three

Finally we come to the end of this series. I’ve found so much to talk and think about that I began to wonder, at my age, whether I’d live long enough to finish it – and then find out for myself if I had known what I was talking about! But I’m still here. So, […]

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