474. A Bizarre Doctrine

The doctrine to which I refer is: The Holy Trinity We whip it off so easily that we can forget how extremely peculiar this seems: Christian: “Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit…” Muslim (for example): “So you worship three gods?” Christian: “No! We worship one God.” Muslim: “But, […]

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439. Saint Photios the Great, twice Patriarch of Constantinople, and not the cause of what is falsely called the Photian Schism

Commemorated on February 6 That rather complicated title above is fitting for a man who led an extremely complicated life. Poor Saint Photios. What he wanted was a scholarly, contemplative, perhaps monastic life. What he actually got was a lot of trouble. Caught up against his will into the midst of great turmoil in the […]

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426. Israel and the Palestinians, November 2023 – Part Two

In Part One, Post 425 we tried to grapple with the present situation in the Holy Land, Scriptural teaching about the place of the Jews and of the Christians, and  concluded with asking “What should be our attitude towards the Jews?” Now let’s proceed to the next obvious question: What should our attitude be towards […]

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425. Israel and the Palestinians, November 2023 – Part One

I’m sorry this Post is so late in arriving. Last week was chaotic on this end. I won’t describe it except to give you a warning: Brothers and sisters, be very, very careful of online scams. I was being so wary. I thought I would never fall for one. And then… … Post 426 will […]

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410. The Many Concerns of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

1) The new conservative ecumenical coalition, 2) Secularized education, 3) The Environment, 4) Ukraine and Patriarch Kirill, 5) Abortion? Homosexuality?  Introduction I greatly admire His All-Holiness Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Please understand that I am a priest of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, answerable directly to His Eminence Metropolitan Saba and […]

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