479. Oh, Saint Mary Magdalene, what have they done to you?

But first: I made a major error in last week’s Post about Christian Nationalism, for which please forgive me. I said the United States of America was founded not as a Christian nation but as a “secular” nation. I meant to say “non-sectarian”: with no established “sect” or religion. Secular means “having nothing to do […]

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471. Saint Justin: Christian Philosopher, Apologist and Martyr

Saint Justin, Martyr Commemorated on June 1 Actually it would be more accurate to say that Christ found him – an interesting story. After that he became a prolific writer, the first great Apologist * for the Christian Faith, one of the most significant figures of early Christianity. We’ll come to all that. I’m sure […]

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469. Doubting Thomas? Part Two: Seeking Truth (or not)

As I said last Post, this week I am sorely tempted to just tell the lovely story of how Saint Thomas came to faith again, and conclude. However, I think the Apostle Thomas’ desire for the truth naturally leads us to ask some questions about the contemporary search for truth, or lack thereof, and not […]

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468. Doubting Thomas? Part One: Seeking Truth

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! Forgive me. This Post is three days late. Just wait till you’re 85 and stay at the Paschal Meal at church till 4:30 in the morning. It was wonderful, and I spent all last  week recovering. This Post has already grown rather long. Therefore I’m splitting into two […]

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