478. Christian Nationalism, Part Three

Since we began this topic two weeks ago, I’ve discovered very many editorials and articles about it in the press and online. I had no idea we’d be in fashion. A quick review, with a little additional information I’ve come across: Remember, Patriotism is a good thing. (See the first Post of this series.) Sadly, Christian […]

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477. Christian Nationalism, Part Two

I’ve found so much information on this topic… I’ll try to hold this down to these two Posts. If I’m in error anywhere, please let me know. Why does Christian Nationalism exist? Some say Christian Nationalism is just racism. Sometimes it is, as in the Charlottesville Riot in 2018. It definitely is anti-immigrant and contains […]

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475. Science, Religion and Art: Patriarch Kirill said it right.

Back in the days before he got co-opted, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said some things which I think are right on target, including one thing which has helped me think in a new way. We’ll come to that later in this Post. Introduction When long ago I was raised in […]

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470. Doubting Thomas? Part Three: Not Seeking Truth

  “There is no use trying,” said Alice; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”    from Alice’s Adventures […]

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469. Doubting Thomas? Part Two: Seeking Truth (or not)

As I said last Post, this week I am sorely tempted to just tell the lovely story of how Saint Thomas came to faith again, and conclude. However, I think the Apostle Thomas’ desire for the truth naturally leads us to ask some questions about the contemporary search for truth, or lack thereof, and not […]

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