5. My Travels: 2002 Part 2: Mount Athos

At Last: To the Holy Mountain! If you’d like to prepare a bit more before we leave for Mount Athos in the morning, here is the second part of the CBS  program on the Holy Mountain. On Wednesday morning, after a restless night’s sleep fearing I wouldn’t wake up at 4 a.m., it was off […]

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4. My Travels – 2002 Part 1: Towards Mount Athos

I know I promised you a visit to Mount Athos, but first… By 1999 our new Saint Nicholas Church was ten years old and doing well, and we could afford to travel again, and I don’t want you to think I always left my wife behind. Khouria * Dianna and I made trips to Greece in […]

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3. My Travels – 1985 Part 2: First Trip to Greece

The Island of Paros: A Quick Immersion into Greece and Orthodoxy The conference on Crete was over, and with my wife’s OK I had scheduled a week to bum around. So it was off to the island of Paros in the middle of the Aegean. I can’t remember why I chose Paros, but it was a […]

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2. MY TRAVELS – 1985 Part 1: My First Trip to Greece

A Summer Sabbatical Has it been almost 32 years ago already? I was on sabbatical from my church that summer of 1985. I was a middle-aged Episcopalian priest who had been trying unsuccessfully, I felt, to preserve traditional Christianity in the Episcopal Church. There are many different kinds of Anglicans. Like others in my little […]

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