104. The Return of Saint John Chrysostom

On January 27, 438, the incorrupt body of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom arrived in Constantinople – “translated” (moved) from Armenia where he had been banished and where he had died 31 years earlier. His relics were received with honor into the imperial city where once he had been Patriarch. The story of John Chrysostom […]

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103. Seven Deadly Sins #5 – Lust, Part Two: Some commentary by C.S. Lewis and “How to Fight Lust”

Sexual Lust (continued) Please remember from last week that sexual lust is only one form of lust. I’m about to quote from C.S. Lewis again. Why do I turn to him so often? Because I think he says things better, more simply, more understandably than most other writers. Because his teaching was aimed at ordinary folks […]

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102. The Seven Deadly Sins #5 – Lust, Part One

  Ah… I thought this might catch your attention. But you may be a bit disappointed in what follows. Earlier Posts on the “Seven Deadly” were #85, #86, #93, #94, and the previous two, #100, #101. Passions and “Besetting Sins” Lust is defined in our Antiochian Pocket Prayer Book as “impure and unworthy desire for something […]

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