512. Saints who get lost during Lent: The Archangel Gabriel and other Invisible Beings

Worldly Introduction which has nothing to do with Gabriel

I do not intend this Blog to be chiefly religious/political commentary but, on the other hand, I do not want it to be irrelevant to the world we’re living in at this moment. Therefore, before we speak of Heavenly things, I want to mention three earthly matters.

1  I intend the images immediately above not to be political, but rather a plea for Christ’s mercy and our prayers and aid for these innocent, needlessly much-suffering people. I suggest you give to International Orthodox Christian Charities (iocc.org).

2  To the considerable number of Canadians who follow this Blog: You have long been America’s * best friends and allies through thick and thin, and I feel shamed and embarrassed at the way our government is treating you. I read that you are giving up all things American – but please don’t give up this Blog!

  • “United States of America”, I mean. I know we share North America with you.

3  Last summer I wrote a three part series on Christian Nationalism. Looking back, it was rather rambling and amateurish –  because I, like many others, was just discovering this powerful movement, which I came to believe is a threat to the integrity of both the American nation and the Church. Their game plan to take over American society in all aspects was laid out in a radical document: “Project 2025”, about which Mr Trump said several times he knew nothing. Paul Dans, the “architect” of Project 2025 says it is now being implemented in a way “beyond my wildest dreams”. My Posts can be accessed at the bottom of this page. Within them you can also find the websites of a number of other relevant articles and videos. If your time is limited, I’d suggest beginning with Part Three, then work back if you can.

P.S. March 25, The Annunciation: At the end of this Post, you’ll find a gentle debate between a Commenter and myself, regarding the subject above.

Now, from the earthly to the unearthly. No, the “super-earthly”.


Available from agiografia.gr

The Synaxis * of the Archangel Gabriel – March 26 

  • σύναξις, “gathering together”, an assembly for worship

There is another Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel on July 13  – no one seems to know why. In addition he shares the feast of Michael, Gabriel and All the Bodiless Powers of Heaven on November 8.

You’ll recall from the last two weeks that we’re looking at saints whom we tend to ignore during Lent, because there’s so much else going on. One of these is the Archangel Gabriel. On March 25, the feast of the the Annunciation to the Theotokos, we hear how Gabriel “announced” to the Virgin Mary that she had been chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God. So far as I can see, not many pay attention to him.

Some Linguistics

1  Are angels really “saints”? In popular English usage we think of saints as human beings who have attained great sanctity. Actually the word “saint” means simply “holy”. In most languages there’s only one word for both. At Divine Liturgy or Mass in France, for the Thrice Holy Hymn they sing “Saint, Saint, Saint…” It’s the same with the Latin “Sanctus”, from which “saint” derived, and with the Greek “ἅγιος”. “Saint Gabriel” = “Holy Gabriel”.

2  “Bodiless Powers”: in Greek, “ἄνωθεν δυνάμεις”. To get the full meaning in English, we need several words. Something like “personal spiritual entities, not limited to a human body”.

The Bodiless Powers of Heaven

Let’s be clear at the beginning that we know very little about this.

With most saints, we begin with the year they were born. But, of course, bodiless powers were not born. These are the multitude of beings – the vast majority unknown to us – directly created by God at some “point” beyond our earthly reckoning, so there’s no use in our trying to think about when.

God’s Bodiless Powers have names: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and so on. Our late Deacon John (+) had a friend who, before his death, came to know the name of his guardian angel.

An attempt to depict Ezekiel’s vision of the Cherubim. But where are the wheels?  (Meteora, 16th Century)
A Seraph (available from agiografiaicons.gr)

What do these beings look like? Like nothing at all, at least from our earthly perspective. They have no bodies. In order to make contact with us they must take on an appearance.

Sometimes, for example when three of them visited Abraham in Genesis 18, they are called both “men” and “angels” and “the Lord”.

For non-human appearances of these Powers, read: Isaiah chapter six: his vision of six-winged Seraphim flying about the throne of God – often depicted surrounding the Pantocrator in the top of many Orthodox churches – and Ezekiel, chapter ten, his [forgive me…] mind-blowing experience with Cherubim who almost defy depiction.

Our icons of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, to the left and right on most icon screens, present a sort of composite symbolic representation, based on some of their appearances and abilities. In the ancient world wings, for example, symbolized their ability to move quickly and appear unexpectedly. (I wonder how we would represent them in today’s terms.) Gabriel usually carries a staff of power and a round crystal with the Greek Χ on it, the first letter of the Greek Χριστός (Christ).

Popular usage calls these bodiless entities all “angels”. No. The Holy Scriptures mention nine “ranks” of Bodiless Powers, of which “angels” are only one.

First Hierarchy. • Seraphim. • Cherubim. • Thrones.
Second Hierarchy. • Powers. • Dominions. • Principalities.
Third Hierarchy. • Virtues. • Archangels. • Angels.

Of some, like the Powers, Dominions and Principalities, we know only their names. Are these “Ranks” in order of importance? of function? of “location”? Cherubim and Seraphim are “highest”, in a way, always surrounding the throne of God, praising Him in words which we repeat at every Divine Liturgy: “Holy, holy holy, Lord God of hosts.” Angels” (“Άγγελοι”) are in one sense the “lowest”, some of whom are assigned to each of us at Baptism.  (We will learn after our life on earth how much trouble they saved us from, and how much good they did for us.)  “Archangels” (“chief angels”) mediate between Heaven and earth in other ways. Michael wards off Satan and his armies. Gabriel… we’ll come to him shortly.  But Angels and Archangels exist not only on our “plane”, but also at the same time are always directly and immediately in the Presence of God, as Holy Gabriel made clear.  How can that be? We cannot imagine it. Don’t try. Earthly geography doesn’t work here.

Now, finally, to today’s subject:

Mosaic at Kition, Panagia Angeloktisti, Kiti, Cyprus, Sixth or Seventh Century (Available from saintpaulsicons.com)

The Holy Archangel Gabriel

The Archangel Gabriel appears by name only four times in the Scriptures, and even then he is called only the “Angel Gabriel”. Tradition gives him the title “Archangel”.

Gabriel is sent to explain to the prophet the meaning of his strange visions:

Daniel 8:16-17: And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.” So he came near where I stood, and when he came I was afraid and fell on m y face; but he said to me, “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end.”

Daniel 9:21: …”while I was speaking in prayer, the man * Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, reached me about the time of the evening offering.”

  • Gabriel apparently takes human form.

Luke 1:19- 20: Gabriel is sent to proclaim to Zachariah that he and Elizabeth, in their old age, will have a son. When Zachariah, not unreasonably, asks “How can this be”, Gabriel “pulls rank” on him so to speak:  And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.”

Finally the event celebrated by all liturgical Christians on March 25:

Luke 1:26-38:

Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one *, the Lord is with you; [a]blessed are you among women!”

  • In some translations, “Hail, full of grace.”

But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.

Courtesy of Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church of Houston

Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

Exactly what did Gabriel look like? It doesn’t say. No matter, I am always impressed by this young girl questioning an angel.

Also, by tradition, Gabriel is said to have announced the future Incarnation to Moses as he wrote the Five Books of the Law, to Saint Anna to tell her she would give birth to the Virgin Mary, that he warned Saint Joseph that Herod was coming after the Holy Child, and warned Joseph on their return that He was still in danger. That Gabriel was the angel who announced the Resurrection to the Myrrhbearing women, perhaps the angel who loosed Saint Peter chains and led him out of prison. However, the Holy Scriptures do not specify this.

The book of the Revelation, chapter eight, has seven angels blowing seven trumpets to announce seven plagues and calls to repentance. Really, it seems only fair that Gabriel would get to blow ones of them!

Popular Hollywood mythology of the 1940s had Gabriel blowing the trumpet to announce the Second Coming. Somehow this isn’t quite the way I’d always pictured it, but what do I know? (There’s a more recent version which is most definitely not the way I’d pictured it!)


That brings us up to the present – well, to 1956, at least. So shall I conclude this Post about the Holy Archangel Gabriel with Ethel Merman and Frank Sinatra? Oh, please, no.

Instead let’s return to the Annunciation, and this lovely hymn which concludes the Lenten Friday evening service of the Little Compline and Akathist to the Virgin Mary – and the Holy Archangel Gabriel standing speechless in wonder before the beauty and holiness of a young girl in an obscure village in the Middle East – a girl who is destined to give birth to God.


Eikona consists of three Greek Orthodox sisters, two of them Presvyteras. who have produced a phenomenal amount of quality Orthodox music.  Go to: Eikona.com   


Next Week: Saint Innocent of Alaska

Week after Next: Saint Theodora the Righteous of Thessaloniki


So it’s back to the world: Here is the information I promised at the beginning of this Post.

476. Christian Nationalism, Part One



477. Christian Nationalism, Part Two

Part Three:


Also: a prescient article written by Father Ted Bobosh in 2021: “Nationalism is not Christian”: https://orthochristian.com/137254.html

Another interesting article I just came across. It names names, so beware. However, I think it sums up accurately what I am seeing every morning when I look at the news: yet another group of needy people abandoned or even shamed. https://publicorthodoxy.org/2025/03/19/war-on-empathy/



2 thoughts on “512. Saints who get lost during Lent: The Archangel Gabriel and other Invisible Beings

  1. A man whose intelligence and integrity I respect (though I not infrequently disagree with him) wishes to add a reply here. However, for his own reasons, which I also respect, he wishes to remain anonymous. So I suggested that I post his comment here and my reply without giving his name, as follows:

    Good morning, Father Bill. Thank you, for your ongoing Friday posts, whether they arrive on Friday or later.

    As I started reading your post from yesterday, my interest was piqued to research what Project 25 represents, as I am not tuned into it. Here is a brief and to the point answer from Google: https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/

    While I sympathize with your concerns, there is more to the story than we are lead to believe, from both sides of the political spectrum. I can say this, from my experience as an Assistant Superintendent of a public school district in California, and as a City Councilman, a Mayor and my government relations work, for a private company. I can say with confidence that we know and consider little about the real causes of the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Syria and elsewhere. Generally, we have no clue, as it is all about money, not Truth. And the media does not exist to inform us about Truth, but rather to make money pandering to popular prejudices (demagogery) and push the agendas of its owners and sponsors.

    For example, I believe sincerely that the Western Powers, namely the US, planned and promoted this war in Ukraine, to control its resources and promote American business interests there and around the world. It is the result of satisfying the interests and appetite of our military/industrial complex against which good President Eisenhower warned us. The same can be said about Gaza, Syria, Iraq and the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia.

    Interestingly, you and I benefit financially and economically from this process, without realizing that we are co-conspirators in this mayhem of death and destruction.

    Looking from a social and religious perspective, consider that Christendom has come to an end in the West, while our Western Culture dispises the Orthodox Christianity of the East which has returned in Russia from its destruction by communism. Has it returned completely and even properly? Probably not. For example, several years ago, a gay pride parade was held in Moscow, to which the “authorities” (Church inspired?) responded negatively. From where did the idea of promoting such a cause arise? From inside Russia or from the West?

    In recent years, I have been concerned about, studying and trying to do something about “The Boy Crisis”, in America and around the world. In the process, I’ve come to see it as a consequence of the end of Christendom, with the damage to Patriarchy and Family.This has been the goal of and consequence of the feminist movement. For a good resource on this matter, I recommend the book The Anti-Mary Exposed, by Dr. Carrie Gress, a mother of 5 children who she has home schooled. In promoting the supposed needs and interests of women, we have allowed masculinity and stable, monogamous marriage to be devalued and even suppressed. The consequences are not favorable, as half of marriages end in divorce in which broken families create broken children who we send to public schools where broken teachers are expected to teach (and fix?) them. It’s not happening.

    Do you know that 1 in 4 women were molested as children and at least 1 in 6 men were, also? I have friends, a married couple, both of whom were molested as children who have informed me of the life long psychological damage that childhood molestation causes, and, that people never fully recover from the damage that molestation causes. They just learn to live with it. And, the root cause of homosexuality, lesbianism and bi-sexuality are rooted in childhood trauma, stemming frim molestation, physical and psychological abuse, bullying and all are caused predominantly by bad and/or absent fathers. And, we celebrate this childhood abuse by running the gay pride flags up the flag poles of our schools, courthouse, city council chambers, etc. Travesty!!!

    So, when I read about Project 25, I found in its “conservative” goals some reason to hope that we can turn this country around. I see no bad goals in it. It may well be that we are back in Rome and in Apostolic times. As such, our goal as Orthodox Christians should be to preach the Gospel, no matter which side of the political divide is in power, praying for the end of all of these wars and caring for our fellow human beings. And, to all those “tired and hungry poor who yearn to breathe free:, I say “come and be with us, but come through the front door, like my 4 beloved grandparents did between 1898 and 1912.”

    Thank you, again, for your good posts, to which I look forward, regularly, coming from a good man and priest. Now, I will return to your current post 512, to read what you had to share this week. It sounds as interesting and informative, as usual.

    May you have a blessed remaining Lent and the soon coming Holy Week and Pascha, Father Bill. We are half way there.

    Yours, in Christ,

  2. Father Bill here.

    This is MY RESPONSE to the letter above.

    Thank you for your Comment. I remember from our previous writings that you are a good intelligent Orthodox man and a gentleman. It’s pleasant (and unusual) these days to have a dialogue where neither you nor I take offense if we disagree. I’ll respond to a few points you make. You made so many I can’t discuss them all!


    One of the things you mentioned caused me to quickly start chewing on in my brain (Mixed metaphors!and bad English.Sorry) because it has concerned me for some time: The BOY CRISIS which is actually the crisis of men. I think some radical feminists are out to destroy men. Most feminists – my wife, daughter and grand-daughter consider themselves feminists – want only to use their talents on an equal basis with men. Men have long been accustomed to being in control of things. The masculine crisis regards how men should deal with life when women are their equals. * There needs to be much more study about this. My wife and I walked into a bookstore here in Cedarburg some years ago. On one shelf were thirty or forty books about women’s role, and at the end there was one book about men! Is it significant that many young men are currently turning to the Orthodox Church?

    * I don’t suggest that women are equal to men in every capacity. They are often superior in many ways. I meant only “equal in opportunity”.


    During my long ministry I have been distressed to discover how prevalent childhood molestation is, and its often devastating effect on people. My father was molested by a priest when he was young, and (now looking back) I think I can understand why that loving man also had a sharp edge to him.


    I believe patriarchy should be a “functional” role. Following Ephesians 5, men are head of the household in the same way Christ is Head of the Church – that is, he takes the lead in loving, in laying down his life for his family. What if the man refuses to love? Then he has abdicated his role as patriarch. He is no longer head of the family. I could tell you some stories – no time for it now.


    I grew up in the Eisenhower era and remember his warning about this. I had almost forgotten. Could you please tell us the source of the information that it has been behind so many modern wars and conflicts in so many places.


    Do we really know for a fact what causes it? That makes a big difference to how we consider it.


    I think you have been reading the review written by those who are the authors of Project 25 – who are not exactly unbiased! I don’t know who isn’t. I think NPR and PBS are usually the least biased sources, because they are not commercial. However, I know that doesn’t fly in many circles! So for a reasonably balanced description I’d go to (of all places) Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025:

    With you, I agree with some of the goals of Project 2025: to encourage the traditional family and traditional sexuality, discourage pornography, reduce the number of abortions. (Oddly they also want to outlaw birth control devices.I don’t get it.)

    However, I do not believe these matters are best dealt with by laws. In the year after Roe v Wade was repealed, apparently the number of abortions has actually increased. Unless they want to outlaw the internet, I believe most of these matters would go underground and possibly fall into the hands of organized crime. The moral authorities in this country need to take hold and teach morality, not try to have the government enforce it for us.

    I disagree strongly with Project 2025 for reasons I’ve given in my Posts noted at the beginning of this Post.

    1) It is a “Christian Nationalist” document, identifying Christianity with a particular form of religion and government. (Basic principle: When you combine Christianity and politics, what do you get? Politics.) Project 2025 promises to pass laws favoring Christianity. But what kind of Christianity? Christian Nationalism originated from supposed “revelations” to self-made apostles and prophets who created a most peculiar, unorthodox (and un-Orthodox) form of religion. However, all Christianity gets tarred with this brush. Project 2025 compromises, narrows and diminishes the Church and the Faith.

    2) Project 2025 intends to overthrow our American democratic Constitutional “balanced” system of government, making the president into an autocrat. This process is now well underway.

    3) The preamble to our Constitution says that one of the purposes of government is to “promote the general Welfare”. The Old Testament Rule is to “love our neighbor”. Christ commands that we care for “the least of these my brethren”. Nevertheless Project 2025 purposes to repeal laws protecting human rights, to eliminate many projects, offices and institutions that serve the common good. Other worthy groupings are being now “reformed” in a cruel, haphazard way, needlessly hurting many people at home and abroad. This process also is well underway.

    All in the name of the restoration of American Christianity! But America was founded as a “religious nation”, not a Christian nation. Read our founding documents. The American Christian culture which once existed (and which I miss) existed by common consent, not by the imposition of laws. I want “the poor, the tired and hungry poor who yearn to breathe free” to come here and find a free country, not another authoritarian one.

    I do not want Christianity or the Holy Orthodox Church identified with this nasty radical legalistic authoritarian nationalism. America will seem Christian again when we Christians get busy and convert people to the Faith.

    Finally, God bless you, dear friend and scholar. I enjoy our games of theological fisticuffs. Please respond to what I’ve said, if you wish. Should we do this more regularly? Perhaps we could make an occasional Post this way.

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