33. 2007 Trip, Part One: Patmos, the Island of Saint John the Theologian

Homesickness: an unnecessary Introduction which has nothing to do with Patmos When I’m at home I’m homesick for Greece. When I’m in Greece I’m homesick for home. I think the Greeks have a word for this, which I’ve forgotten. Maybe the Germans too. I love home. I love my family. I love Wisconsin. I think […]

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32. Orthodoxy and Other Faiths, Part Two: Non-Monotheistic Faiths

A woman from our parish who taught comparative religion just stared at me, when I told her that in twenty minutes I was going to cover Atheism, Agnosticism, Primitive Religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. Little wonder. (I forgot to tell you that this series is based on talks I gave some years ago at Saint Nicholas, […]

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31. Orthodoxy and Other Faiths – Part One: Introduction – How to deal with other faiths honestly but respectfully

When Christians think of other religions, sometimes they call them demonic and condemn their members to hell. Don’t do that. When Christians deal with members of other religions, sometimes they beat them over the head with Christianity. Don’t do that. When Christians deal with members of other religions, sometimes they keep their mouths shut about […]

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30. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: Orthodoxy and the Environment

The Way We Were As I recall it was in 1969 when Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River caught fire that protecting the environment became a popular cause in America, supported by almost everyone. Today many of our lakes, rivers and streams are cleaner. (I think. Cedarburg’s picturesque Cedar Creek is just now being dredged so that people […]

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29. What I’ve Learned in 79 Years, Part Three

“Everybody loves good advice. Nobody takes it.” But I’m just sharing here because I love you. Take for it for what it’s worth. This is the last of this 3-part series. None of what follows is political. Or is it?  What I’ve learned about the World 18) You may think I’m crazy, but I have […]

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