73. Orthodoxy and Other Faiths – Modern Protestantism, Part 1: Protestant disunity, Orthodox unity

The Fragmenting of Protestantism Now…  if you have no acquaintance with  Protestantism and probably even if you have, prepare to be confused. From early times there have been followers of Christ outside the Church – Arians, for example, were quite numerous, as Protestants are today. Then came the great division between East and West. The […]

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72. Orthodoxy and LGBTQ – Part 2

A Prelude In his book Contemporary Ethical Issues: An Armenian Orthodox Perspective *, Professor Vigen Guroian writes: “The ancient world did not possess a concept of fixed sexual orientation. In other words, the ancients did not speak of the alternatives of heterosexuality and homosexuality. This form of speech emerged fully only in the 19th and 20th century. In early Christian […]

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69. All Saints of North America

Little did the apostles imagine that 2000 years later, 8000 miles from Jerusalem, in a land they had never even heard of, the Church would still be carrying out their apostolic work. On the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after All Saints, many Orthodox jurisdictions commemorate their national and regional saints. I wish we all did, […]

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