338. Why is Christianity losing members in America? Why is Eastern Orthodoxy losing members? YOU give the answers!

Before we begin: If any of you ever look back through earlier Posts (accessible on the right of this screen), you’ll note that many of the images have been removed. It would take too long to explain why. I’m replacing them as I can get to it, Post by Post. _____________________________________________ After writing and rewriting […]

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335. It’s June! Let’s go to a Wedding at Cana of Galilee.

Several weeks ago I mentioned what a shame it is that, in our Orthodox Sunday lectionary, we never hear the lovely story of the Wedding at Cana, and I promised an article about it soon – and here it is! A Digression about Pentecost and Weddings By chance I placed this Post at the right […]

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334. Holy Pentecost – A Neophtye’s Introduction to the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity

My Friday Post is a day late (very busy week here), no doubt completely discombobulating your weekly schedule again. Sorry. Pentecost On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came with power, and the revelation of God the Holy Trinity was completed. Stavronikita Monastery, Mount Athos, 16th c Most icons courtesy of Saint Isaac’s Skete, skete.com Now, imagine […]

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