468. Doubting Thomas? Part One: Seeking Truth

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! Forgive me. This Post is three days late. Just wait till you’re 85 and stay at the Paschal Meal at church till 4:30 in the morning. It was wonderful, and I spent all last  week recovering. This Post has already grown rather long. Therefore I’m splitting into two […]

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446. The Holy Icons: Their History and Purpose – Part One

For those who didn’t tune in last week: I warned you that in the next couple of months you’ll see a lot of “re-runs” (albeit slightly revised), because my time will be limited. My wife and I are moving after 28 years in the same house, and some of you will know what that entails. […]

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445. The Triumph of Orthodoxy?

My wife and I love to watch old movies and television shows. The humor is always funny, the drama always exciting. This spring you’ll get the same opportunity with this Blog. Occasionally you’ll see some “re-runs” of previous Posts – revised just a tad. The reason: We are about to move from the house we […]

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440. Do you know this remarkable modern Saint? Papa-Nicholas of Athens – Part One

Old age mind fog has caught up with me. Here it is only mid-February, and I have prepared a Post for a saint whose feast day is not till March 2, Ah well, we’ll certainly be prepared for it. Saint Nicholas Planas Introduction I love that in our Orthodox churches we have icons in all […]

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439. Saint Photios the Great, twice Patriarch of Constantinople, and not the cause of what is falsely called the Photian Schism

Commemorated on February 6 That rather complicated title above is fitting for a man who led an extremely complicated life. Poor Saint Photios. What he wanted was a scholarly, contemplative, perhaps monastic life. What he actually got was a lot of trouble. Caught up against his will into the midst of great turmoil in the […]

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