443. “In the Heart of the Desert” by Dr John Chryssavgis

This Post contains small portions from the excellent book In the Heart of the Desert: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, published here with the generous permission of the author, the Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. I think it’s appropriate reading as we near our annual passage through Great […]

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441. Papa-Nicholas of Athens – Part Two

Last week we began to tell the story of this humble, quiet, unobtrusive, remarkable parish priest – this Saint of the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries. As I began, I feared there wouldn’t be enough to say about him to fill a Post – and to my surprise here we are in Part Two. […]

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425. Israel and the Palestinians, November 2023 – Part One

I’m sorry this Post is so late in arriving. Last week was chaotic on this end. I won’t describe it except to give you a warning: Brothers and sisters, be very, very careful of online scams. I was being so wary. I thought I would never fall for one. And then… … Post 426 will […]

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423. The Founders of Christian Medicine (one famous man, and three little-known women)

  Actually our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded Christian medical practice, as He went from place to place healing peoples’ bodies and souls. However, today we’re going to look at four mere human beings who followed in His footsteps and built on what He had begun. What brought this to my mind was the […]

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422. The Sermon on the Mount: Part 4 – Matthew wraps it up: Chapter 7

God bless you! You’ve hung in here for four Posts as we’ve looked at Christ’s great Sermon, His teachings about Christian living in Matthew Chapters 5 and 6 and, finally today, Chapter 7. * “Chapter 7″? Did you know: For most of Christian history there was no Chapter 7. The Bible was originally written in […]

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