486. Many Things, Part One: School Shootings, Why we desire God, Good Manners and Politics, The Clash of the Patriarchs and Russia’s War against Ukraine

For this Post and the next one, you’ll see a whole bunch of subjects I’ve been saving up, none of which is long enough to require a Post of its own.  Some are “editorials” from me. Others are from other sources. 1)   Editorial: School Shootings Really, I didn’t intend to put this first. I […]

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485. Patmos, Part Two: 1) The Revelation, 2) Saint Nektarios (on Patmos!), 3) An Appendix: True Religion

Understanding The Revelation (The Apocalypse) I came home from Patmos with a great tan which must have been a miracle, because my last Post implied that I spent my time there in church – yes? No. In the old days, I loved to go to a quiet beach and read. I found this little beach […]

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