484. Patmos, Part One: The Island of Saint John the Theologian – with an Appendix: The Value of Travel

During August I’ve been repeating some Posts from years past – with a few improvements. (I’ve never been able to leave well enough alone.)  This one was originally published on October 6, 2017, telling about my trip to Patmos in September 2007. And as I write this, it’s August 30, 2024. Seventeen years ago – […]

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483. I’ve got to go traveling again! Greece and Saint Nektarios

I’m sorry this Post is a day late. I went to my eye doctor yesterday, who put drops in my eyes, so that my computer screen was a blur. I know this sounds like the old “my dog ate my homework” excuse, but it’s true!  As I’ve told you, I’m taking August off and repeating […]

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482. Why do we honor Mary? Because the Bible says so: Part Two

During August, we’re doing reruns of a few of the more popular Posts from years past – very slightly revised. Last week we saw how often the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the New Testament. Nobody except her Son comes close. Then… well, go back and read it for yourself. We stopped in the middle […]

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481. Why do we honor Mary? Because the Bible says so: Part One

My mind is taking August off. We’re repeating some of the most popular Posts from previous years, improved just a bit. Those of you who were raised Orthodox or Roman Catholic cannot imagine how hard it was for most of us former Protestants to accept the Mother of God. I know, because when we try […]

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480. The Story of the Transfiguration (revised)

In case some of you long-time readers feel a sense of deja vu as you read this Post, you are to be congratulated for having a good memory. I promised to write on the Transfiguration, but this was one of the rare weeks when I just couldn’t come up with anything. So I searched back […]

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